May 02, 17 · Step 6 Unwrap your clothing Select various edges of the model, such as down the middle of the back or along the top of the arms to the neck, to Select Mesh / Edges / Mark Seam Go to Object Data / UV Maps Create new window for UV Image Editor Press U / Unwrap Press UVs / Export UV Layout to saveOct 03, 16 · Blender has a basic video editor that will help you turn your animation images into a video clip The video editor is easy to use and can be used for adding images, music, and other videos For the purpose of this tutorial, I will show you the basics of turning images into a videoJun 08, 17 · Tutorial Importing Makehuman Model into Blender Step 1 Installing MHX2 addon in Blender Firstly, the MHX2 addon must be installed in Blender The addon is included in Step 2 Installing the MHX2 option in Makehuman In the Makehuman software application, the model have be exported as a Step Blender Human Head Projection Texturing Tutorial Ben Dansie Make human blender tutorial